Contacting Us

Our location and contact information can be found below.   If you would like to contact a specific member of staff, or have a query about any aspect of our school, please contact the office and they will pass on your message or contact details.  The office can also supply paper copies of any information or documents on this website on request.

Please understand that our office may be closed during school holidays.

The Florence Nightingale Academy
Chewton Street,
NG16 3HB

Tel: 01773 713452


Key Contacts

General Enquiries

Our Receptionist and School Administrator is Hally Bojko.

Hally will deal with any general enquiries from parents or members of the public, and will monitor any emails sent to our main school email address.

Safeguarding and Headteacher

Lucy Baxter is our Headteacher, and also the Designated Safeguarding Lead.  If you need to contact Lucy, please use the main school contact details as above and our School Administrator will either be in touch or pass on a message.
If you are worried about someone in school or need to report a safeguarding issue, please see our safeguarding page

Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Dru Whittaker.


For more information on our Local Governing Body, please see the page hereThe chair of the Local Governing Body can be contacted in writing through the school:

Mr Bill Howard

Chair of the Local Governing Body
c/o The Florence Nightingale Academy
Chewton Street
NG16 3HB

The White Hills Park Trust

The Florence Nightingale Academy is a member of The White Hills Park Trust. To contact the Trust directly, please see contact details on